Carpet Pythons
2020 Jungle Carpet Python
We Have 2020 Jungle Carpet Pythons For Sale. Here Are Some Highlights:
Morelia spilota cheynei
Captive Bred
Approximately 38 Inches In Length
Adults Can Grow To A Length Of 5 To 7 Feet
With Proper Care And Handling They Can Live Up To 15-20 Years
Agile Hunters Feeding On Live Or Frozen Adult Mice Or Rat Crawlers
CB Water Monitor Baby
CB White Throat Monitor Baby
Cribo snake
Dasypeltis snake
Desert king snakes
Dwarf Boa
Central American Hypo Het T+ Albino
Boa Constrictor Baby/Juvenile
Boa constrictor imperator
Diet: Live Mouse
AGE: 2months
Central American Super Sunglow T+ albino X Central American Hypermelanistic.
Pure Central American so she is labeled as a “dwarf”. My adult breeders max out at 4′ to 6′ total length.
Eastern fox snake
Eastern indigo snake
Elephant trunk snake
Elephant Trunk Snake for Sale (Acrochordus javanicus)
We currently have some Elephant Trunk Snakes for sale that were farm born. Snakes at Sunset has them feeding on live guppies, comets, and feeder fish. The Elephant Trunk Snakes for sale are currently 10-16″ in length. They are fully aquatic and you should have a balanced, perfect setup ready to go before ordering!